
Connecting with Nature: How to Cultivate a Passion for the Earth

with Asher Cloran

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #86

🌱🎙️ New Episode Alert! “Secrets of the Soil” Podcast featuring Asher Cloran!

This week on “Secrets of the Soil,” we delve into the rich tapestry of nature’s intimate connection with us and how technology affects this bond. Asher Cloran, founder of Life Rocks and advocate for childhood engagement with nature, joins Regen Ray to discuss how nature and technology shape our lives.

Tune in to explore:

– The need to disconnect from screens to foster a tangible connection to the natural world.

– Insights on how Earth Science is vital for our future and can nurture a passion for the environment in children.

– Practical advice for boosting gut health through natural methods and the benefits it holds for early development.

Key Takeaways:

🌿 Fostering Nature Connection: Balance screen time with immersive experiences in nature to promote mental well-being and groundedness.

👩‍🔬 Embracing Earth Science: Encourage children’s passion and curiosity for the natural world to open up career pathways and make meaningful environmental contributions.

🥕 Prioritizing Gut Health: Understand the impact of good microbiome health on childhood development and learn simple ways to nurture it through diet.

Be sure to listen to this enlightening episode with Asher Cloran! Together, let’s rediscover our roots and grow a deeper understanding of the “Secrets of the Soil.”

Who is Asher Cloran

Asher is fascinated by how nature, science, art, culture, philosophy and education interact and intersect and how these forces shape individuals and collectives.

Uncovering these influences on human life and developing a holistic framework for thinking through the challenges we face is at the heart of my approach and what I seek to teach.

Childhood is the most precious time for the development of a human, and in the face of modern technology permeating every area of our lives, we must protect the young from becoming disconnected from their health, happiness and connection to Nature.

Life Rocks is a not-for-profit that anchors nature and childhood development at the heart of education and culture, and I have been the proud Director of Life Rocks since 2019. Life Rocks creates easy to use, scientific resources that holistically educate a child and inspire them to connect to the natural world.

Life Rocks also curates, creates and promotes anything and everything that can help improve the quality of your teaching, parenting and children’s lives.

We believe that Earth Sciences, including Soils Science, has the potential to awaken peoples minds to the wonders of reality that we are immersed in, and connect their hearts with curiosity and learning to becoming advocates for Nature.

Screen Time vs. Soil Time

In an ever-digital world, the balance between screen time and time spent in nature is tipping dangerously towards the glow of devices. In the latest episode of “Secrets of the Soil,” Regen Ray and Asher Cloran delve into the critical issue of how technology is affecting our connection with the natural environment. They urge us to push back against this current cultural trend and anchor our lives in the tangible, nurturing soils of Earth.

Reviving Earth Science in Young Minds

Asher Cloran, a proponent of Earth Sciences, underscores the importance of understanding the natural phenomena that shape our planet. Delving into tides, seasons, soils, forests, our conversation reveals a world of wonder that is often overlooked in the modern curriculum. As we discuss careers in Earth Science and the extraordinary contributions of those dedicated to preserving our natural habitats, it is evident that fostering a love for Earth Science in children is vital for the future of our planet.

Countering Ageism in Creativity and Exploration

Creativity knows no age; it thrives on curiosity and imagination. However, ageism can stifle this natural inquisitiveness. Our discussion points out the creative force within young minds, emphasizing the need for nurturing rather than suppressing it. We address the juxtaposition of children as content creators for the digital realm when they could instead be engaging directly with nature, planting seeds for a greener future.

The Essential Microbiome and Gut Health

With an ever-growing body of research linking gut health to overall well-being, guests such as Asher share insights into nurturing a healthy microbiome from an early age. Practical advice surfaces in our talk, from crunching raw carrots to fermenting homemade probiotics. This segment sheds light on the complex microbial interactions within our bodies and the benefits of embracing natural, diverse probiotic sources.

Supporting Small Producers and Healthy Soil

Despite the hurdles of regulations and the tangle of red tape, the passion of small food producers is resilient. Both Ray and Asher express support for those who work tirelessly to provide us with wholesome food, stressing the importance of caring for the soil that sustains us all. Transparency and responsibility in agriculture, as well as sustainable practices, remain at the heart of discussions on nurturing the planet’s health.

Life Rocks: Cultivating a Childhood Connection with Nature

Life Rocks, an initiative founded by Asher Cloran, is at the forefront of reconnecting children with the natural world. Asher brings a wealth of knowledge from holistic lifestyle coaching to educational content that aligns with the Australian curriculum. Through various mediums — science-focused podcasts, YouTube videos, and soil kits — Life Rocks encourages kids to explore and learn about nature firsthand.

A Call to Soil and Soul

As “Secrets of the Soil” wraps up the conversation with Asher Cloran, one thing becomes crystal clear: embracing our passion for nature and soil is not only enriching but also essential. By fostering children’s independence and guiding them to appreciate the environment, we invest in future guardians of our planet. Asher’s in-depth discussion on the influences of nature experiences on mental well-being highlights the profound impact of fostering a deep connection with the Earth. Through Life Rocks and other Earth-centered educational initiatives, we have the power to nurture young minds to become devoted caretakers of our precious world and its resources.

We leave listeners, be they parents, educators, or nature enthusiasts, with a compelling mission: venture outside, let your feet touch the soil, and awaken a sense of wonder and responsibility for this magnificent planet we call home.

Thanks for being part of our
Soil community!


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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet​

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!