
Embracing 2022: The Year of Soil & Soul

with 'Regen Ray' Milidoni

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #25

Hello Soil Lovers! As 2022 sets in, we’re thrilled to bring you a special episode of “Secrets of the Soil” hosted by yours truly, Regen Ray Milidoni. This year, we are embracing the theme of “Soil & Soul” and embarking on new adventures to foster deeper connections with our land and ourselves.

Here’s a glimpse into what’s covered in this episode:

▶️ Reflection and Gratitude:

– Taking a two-week break to reflect on the past year’s incredible conversations and achievements.

– A heartfelt thank you to all our loyal listeners and inspiring guests who have made this podcast a success.

▶️ New Year, New Theme:

– Introducing the 2022 theme “Soil & Soul.”

– Embarking on an exciting road trip across Australia to connect with farmers, food systems, and First Nation communities.

▶️ Inviting Collaboration and Community:

– Encouraging listeners to reflect, set their own themes, and reach out with ideas or events for the “Regen Road Trip.”

– Looking forward to sharing more authentic and inspiring stories through our podcast and YouTube channel.

Let’s make 2022 the year we dig deeper into the wonderful world of soil and soul. Join us on this journey and share your thoughts and themes for the year ahead!

Who is Ray Milidoni?

Ray is a professional problem solver and a get-things-done guy who takes multi-tasking to a whole new level while helping others to grow their business.

With a strong background in marketing, podcasting, mentorship, management, farming, and a plethora of other endeavors, Ray Milidoni can be described as a wealth of regenerative expertise collated within just one mind.

What does regeneration mean to you? For Ray, it’s a persistent pursuit of knowledge, improvement, and possibility. It’s taking new, creative approaches to problems that have been previously “unsolvable” and solving them. It’s providing a wealth of knowledge to people who need it most, for them to take the next step in building their business. It’s coaching individuals who feel as though they’re stuck in a rut, confined to their current status, rather than their possibility for greatness.

A sharp mind is one of the most useful tools Ray possesses. The Razor Sharp Show podcast that he hosts is a true testament to his keen, logical, emotional, and interpersonal intelligence. His discussions with people from a range of different industries and backgrounds are thought-provoking, energized, and 1000% motivating.

Working with Ray is an experience that many have described as genuine, passionate, extraordinary, and inspiring. Reach out to him today if you’re ready to place your problems into his highly capable hands and come away with the means to fully regenerate your business or your lifestyle.

The dawn of a new year often serves as a time for reflection, reassessment, and renewed commitments. For ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni, host of the popular podcast Secrets of the Soil, 2022 marks a pivotal moment. With an exciting road trip around Australia on the horizon and a rich collection of upcoming conversations, Ray is poised to make this year truly remarkable for soil lovers and regenerative agriculture advocates. In this special episode, Ray shares his personal reflections, announces a brief hiatus, and outlines the theme for 2022: Soil and Soul.

Reflecting on 2021: A Year of Growth and Connection

Before diving into the new year’s aspirations, Ray takes a heartfelt moment to look back on 2021. The year, while challenging due to the COVID-19 pandemic, was one of immense personal and professional growth.

“One of my proudest moments of 2021 was definitely the podcast,” Ray shares, expressing his gratitude for the ability to connect with so many like-minded individuals during lockdowns. Each episode brought invaluable insights and inspiring conversations that spurred listeners to think more deeply about the soil beneath their feet.

The podcast became a platform where soil enthusiasts, farmers, and regenerative agriculture proponents could gather and exchange ideas despite the physical limitations imposed by the pandemic. For Ray, and the loyal listeners, it was a beacon of hope and knowledge in an otherwise tumultuous time.

Announcing a Brief Hiatus: Catching Up and Reflecting

After a year of consistent weekly episodes, Ray announces a two-week break for *Secrets of the Soil*. This hiatus provides a much-needed opportunity for listeners to catch up on past episodes and reflect on the wealth of information shared.

“I feel like there’s a lot of people who have been listening to episodes, and they might still be on episode 7 or 8 or 10 or 12,” Ray observes. The break will give everyone a chance to digest the content at a leisurely pace and gear up for the exciting episodes lined up for mid-January.

Ray is deeply appreciative of the guests and listeners who have made the podcast a success. Their contributions have played a crucial role in giving soil a voice and promoting the regenerative movement far and wide.

Setting the Theme for 2022: Soil and Soul

Every year, Ray sets a personal theme, and for 2022, it is “Soil and Soul.” This theme is a reflection of Ray’s commitment to not only understanding and nurturing the soil but also to embarking on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.

Ray plans to take his passion on the road, quite literally, with an ambitious road trip around Australia. “I am going to embark on a road trip around Australia… meeting some of the farmers, some of the food systems, spending some time with First Nation people,” Ray excitedly shares. This adventure is set to deepen his connection to the land and its stewards, enriching both his knowledge and soul.

This theme resonates with the importance of balance—between external environmental stewardship and internal personal development. Ray encourages listeners to join him in this journey by setting their personal themes or goals for the year and reflecting on their contributions to the regenerative movement.

Rewilding and Regenerative Movements: A Global Perspective

Among the varied landscapes of Hyde Park in New South Wales, Ray contemplates the global efforts toward rewilding and carbon sequestration. “It always amazes me the spaces that could be created in city environments,” Ray notes, highlighting the integration of natural habitats within urban settings.

Rewilding projects, gaining traction worldwide, represent an exciting shift in how we approach land management, urban planning, and climate action. Celebrities and environmentalists alike are advocating for these initiatives, emphasizing their potential to restore ecosystems, capture carbon, and enhance biodiversity.

Ray underscores the significance of being mindful of our food sources, their nutritional value, and the circular economies that support smaller scale businesses. This holistic view aligns with the principles of regenerative agriculture, which seek to harmonize agricultural practices with natural processes.

An Invitation to Engage: Join the Regen Road Trip

As the podcast gears up to resume in mid-January, Ray extends an open invitation to listeners to join his 2022 journey. “If you want me to come and visit, please reach out,” Ray encourages. Whether through events, farm visits, or simply sharing ideas, Ray seeks to foster a deeper connection with the regenerative community.

The upcoming “regen road trip” is not just about traversing the Australian landscape but also about capturing and sharing the stories of those dedicated to nurturing the soil. Video content on YouTube will complement the podcast, offering a dynamic way to engage with the regenerative movement.

In closing, Ray’s gratitude for his listeners shines through. “Thank you so much for being a loyal listener and subscriber,” he says, urging the community to share the podcast with friends and family as a way to spread the message further.

As 2022 unfolds, Ray’s message is clear: embrace the theme of Soil and Soul, get outside, get your hands dirty, and keep digging deeper into the world of soil. Together, let’s make this year a testament to the power of regenerative agriculture and personal growth. Until next time, soil lovers—keep nurturing the earth and your soul.

Thanks for being part of our
Soil community!


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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet​

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!