
Embracing Regenerative Agriculture to Restore Our Planet

with Finian Makepeace

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #12

Join us for an inspiring conversation with Finian Makepeace in Episode 12: Kiss the Ground: How Regenerative Agriculture Is Working with Nature to Rebuild Our Healthy Soils. Delve into the depths of soil health and uncover the transformative power of regenerative agriculture with our insightful guest.

In this must-listen episode, Finian shares:

  • The profound journey behind the influential “Kiss the Ground” documentary.
  • Insights from the Soil Advocate Training program ready to kick off this September.
  • The urgent need for collective action to reverse land degradation and embrace regenerative practices.

šŸšœ Three key takeaways to enrich your soil knowledge:

Ā 1ļøāƒ£ Soil Regeneration Matters: With 33% of the world’s land degraded, the adoption of regenerative practices is not just beneficial, it’s critical.

2ļøāƒ£ Call to Action: Individual participation is essentialā€”change relies on our collective efforts to spread awareness and implement regenerative practices.

3ļøāƒ£ Community Inclusivity: As we progress, it’s crucial to acknowledge and include the wisdom of indigenous cultures in the narrative of land stewardship.

Tune in to Secrets of the Soil and be part of the regeneration revolution. Let’s heal our planet, one handful of soil at a time. #RegenerativeAgriculture #SavetheSoil #KisstheGround #SoilHealth #Sustainability

Who is Finian Makepeace?

Finian Makepeace is the Co-Founder, Policy Director & Lead Educator of Kiss the Ground. He is a renowned presenter, media creator, and thought leader in the field of regenerative agriculture and soil health.

His dedication to Kiss the Groundā€™s mission of ā€œawakening people to the possibilities of regenerationā€, has motivated him to develop training programs, workshops, and talks designed to empower people around the world to become confident advocates for this growing movement.Ā 

The Call of the Soil

In a world facing environmental crises from every angle, there is a beacon of hope rising from the ground upā€”quite literally. Regenerative agriculture stands at the forefront of this hope, serving not only as a corrective practice to ongoing environmental degradation but also as an example of the power of shared ideas and community effort in instigating global change. On the latest episode of “Secrets of the Soil,” host Regen Ray Milidoni delves deep into the subject with soil advocate Finian Makepeace.

Together, they discuss the potential held in the fertile ground beneath our feet and how we can all play a part in nurturing it back to health.

Rediscovering our Roots: The Journey into Soil Advocacy

At a time when 33% of the world’s land is degraded, leading to catastrophic floods and prolonged droughts, guests like Finian are crucial voices in the conversation around soil health. His passion was ignited after learning from leaders like Graham Sate, and today, Finian’s mission through the “Kiss the Ground” documentary and Soil Advocate Training program educates and empowers individuals to become conduits of change. He emphasizes the importance of adopting successful policies from around the world to revitalize the soil that sustains us all.

Sowing Seeds of Knowledge: Building a Regenerative Community

One of the critical themes on this podcast episode is the emphasis on community. “It’s not about hoarding information; it’s about sharing it,” Finian asserts. This collaborative spirit fuels the global movement for regenerative agriculture, where the ethos is to learn, adapt, and collectively improve. As our guest poignantly puts it, every individual’s actions and awareness are essential in driving the change necessary for a sustainable impact, a sentiment echoed by our host.

Regeneration: More Than a Practice, a Philosophy

What does it mean for agriculture to be regenerative? Beyond the buzzword lies a set of practices that contribute to the ecosystem’s regeneration, enhancing biodiversity, water retention, and soil building. These methods betray a simple truth: when we take care of the Earth, it repays us tenfold. Regen Ray and Finian discussed stunning transformations, like Texan ranches absorbing water in under 30 seconds, preventing flooding. This shift isn’t just physical; it’s mentalā€”changing core beliefs about the future of agriculture and our environment.

The Carbon Connection: A Misunderstood Hero

Carbonā€”a topic often associated with climate change for all the wrong reasonsā€”was brought to light. Finian explained that carbon, when reintegrated into our soil, proves to be vital for combating climate risks, debunking the negative connotations it frequently carries. This conversation segued into the importance of biodiversity, with regenerative agriculture leading to its rapid recovery across various ecosystems and often surpassing conservation efforts in enhancing natural habitats.

Amplifying the Message: Reflections on Media Representation

The podcast touched upon the powerful role of media in shaping narratives, as evidenced by the seven-year undertaking that was the “Kiss the Ground” documentary. Acknowledging its limitations and the regrettable lack of indigenous representation, Finian calls for inclusivity and a diversity of perspectives in future storytelling endeavorsā€”a call reinforcing the show’s theme of collaborative progress.

The Urgent Cry of the Soil: An Invitational Epilogue

As secrets from the soil surface, Regen Ray and Finian invite us to consider the perspective of the soil itself, envisioning it as an entity crying out for aid. Urging listeners to take on the role of stewards, they underscore the dual narrative of humans saving the world while the world saves itself. It’s an invitation to act, to engage, and to restoreā€”to kiss the ground we walk on and watch as it blossoms back to life.

Answering the Call for Regeneration

As “Secrets of the Soil” explores the regenerative movement, it becomes clear that each of us has a part to play. From adopting regenerative practices to fostering community and spreading the word, the call to action is clear. We are the custodians of the earth, and together, we hold the power to heal and transform our precious soil. So let’s heed the call, for it is high time we answer the secrets of the soil with the labor of our hands and the love in our hearts.

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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planetā€‹

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!