
Regenerating the Soul Through Nature and Soil

with Josh Holliday

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #17

In our latest episode of Secrets of the Soil, ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni and special guest Josh Holliday dive into how connecting with nature and soil can profoundly regenerate not only our environment but also our souls. 🌍❤️

We explore:

– Josh’s transition from city life in Sydney to farming on the Sunshine Coast, where he discovered the deep connectivity between soil, spirituality, and mindfulness.

– How slowing down and paying attention to the natural environment can foster personal growth and spiritual enlightenment.

– The power of viewing soil regeneration as a circular process of renewal, and the transformative benefits it brings.

🔑 Key Takeaways:

– Balance Thinking and Feeling: Recognize the importance of intuitive balance between the mind and body for effective decision-making.

– Community and Connectivity: Building healthy relationships with nature and community fosters a regenerative spirit and collective growth.

– Mindful Practices: Simple acts like sitting under a tree or observing the natural world can enhance mindfulness and inner calmness.

Together, let’s cultivate a more connected, mindful, and sustainable world. Tune in to hear more about the magic that happens when we connect with the earth and our hearts.

Who is Josh Holliday?

Josh Holliday is the Founder of regen room, an organisation that is growing to educate humanity on what it is to live a regenerative lifestyle.

After travelling the globe and visiting the 7 continents, Josh has developed an electric passion for creating positive social impact through the lens of connection and regeneration. Having founded two separate businesses, The Developing Clean and Holliday Creative, he’s gained valuable lessons that have helped to hold stronger relationships and communicate his environmental advocacy clearly.”

In Episode 17 of the “Secrets of the Soil” podcast, hosts ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni and Josh Holliday delve into the deep ties between soil regeneration, spirituality, and mindfulness. Through Josh’s personal journey on a farm during the COVID pandemic, the conversation reveals the transformative power of nature in healing both the land and the soul. Here, we explore the podcast’s key insights, from the importance of natural cycles to the challenges presented by modern life, and how the practice of mindfulness can bridge this gap.

From Sydney to Soil: Josh Holliday’s Journey

Josh Holliday’s story begins in Sydney, where the rapid spread of COVID-19 led him to embrace a new way of life on a farm in the Sunshine Coast of Queensland. This sudden shift unveiled a world where slowing down and connecting with the earth became essential. Tending to gardens, communicating with plants, and observing birds—all these activities nurtured Josh’s growth in ways he had not anticipated.

Josh’s experiences on the farm fast-tracked his meditation practice and deepened his spiritual journey. His intuitive connection with the land, and the wisdom it imparted, reshaped his understanding of regeneration—not only of soil but also of self.

Regeneration as Renewal and Rebirth

Regeneration, as discussed in the podcast, embodies cycles of renewal and rebirth. Recognizing these natural cycles—birth, death, and rebirth—allowed Josh to attune himself more closely with the rhythm of life. This view of regeneration facilitates a holistic approach to farming and underscores the importance of mindfulness in our interaction with the environment.

Josh and ‘Regen Ray’ stress that this regenerative philosophy isn’t exclusive to sprawling farms; it can be adopted in the simplest settings, such as a backyard garden or a local park. By spending time in these natural spaces, we slow down and foster deeper connections with our surroundings, leading to greater mindfulness and inner peace.

Learning from Nature

An essential part of Josh’s story is the distinction between thinking and feeling. Our modern society often prioritizes logical reasoning, but as Josh discovered, feelings and intuition carry profound knowledge. Balancing thinking and feeling allows for more holistic decision-making. Nature itself, with its subtle cycles and rhythms, teaches this balance, providing a living example of mindfulness in practice.

Josh’s reflections highlight how nature encourages self-awareness. Sitting under an old tree or walking through a forest becomes a meditative act, allowing feelings and thoughts to surface without the pressure of immediate action. This slowing down cultivates a sense of stillness and calm, making it easier to respond rather than react to life’s challenges.

Modern Challenges and the Need to Slow Down

The fast-paced environment of modern life often stands in stark opposition to the tranquility found in nature. ‘Regen Ray’ and Josh address these modern challenges and emphasize the need for society to slow down, to be present, and to reconnect with the earth. The post-COVID era, where many have sought solace in nature, marks a hopeful shift towards this slower, more mindful way of living.

Techniques to achieve this include meditation, silent observation, and engaging in simple, grounding activities such as gardening. These practices bring us back to the basics, helping us reconnect with ourselves and the natural world.

The Love Connection

The podcast reveals the parallels between nurturing soil and nurturing the soul. Healthy relationships with the soil, just like with people, thrive on love, care, and attention. Josh speaks of the life-transforming results he achieved on his farm in just three months through the use of compost and regenerative techniques. This reflection encourages us to view soil care as a form of spiritual practice, capable of transforming not just the land but also our inner state.

Building this kind of relationship with nature opens new paradigms and lenses through which to view the world. By slowing down and feeling more deeply, we start to see the interconnectedness of life—from the soil beneath our feet to the stars above our heads.


The fundamental message echoed throughout Episode 17 of “Secrets of the Soil” is one of reconnection and balance. Josh Holliday’s journey highlights the importance of returning to our roots—slowing down, tending to the earth, and attuning ourselves to the natural cycles. As we cultivate these regenerative practices, we not only heal the land but also regenerate our souls, creating a harmonious existence where mindfulness and growth flourish.

For more insights on Josh Holliday’s work and his regenerative practices, listeners are encouraged to reach out via social media or visit his website.

Lastly, let’s remember to honor and care for our soil, for it is the foundation upon which our inner and outer worlds are built.

Thanks for being part of our
Soil community!


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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet​

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!