
Regenerative Practices for Health and Happiness

with Matty Lansdown

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #53

In our latest episode, “Regenerative Food for Health and Happiness,” we’re thrilled to have Matty Lansdown, a renowned nutritionist and emotional eating coach, joining us for an insightful conversation on the vital connection between soil health and human well-being. Hosted by ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni, this episode dives deep into the transformative power of conscious consumerism and environmental awareness.

💡 Key Takeaways:

– Consumer Responsibility and Regenerative Farming: Discover the pivotal role consumers play in driving demand for higher quality, regenerative farming practices. By making informed food choices, we can collectively push for a healthier and more sustainable food system.

– Soil and Gut Health Connection: Matty Lansdown explains the crucial link between soil biodiversity and our gut microbiomes. Learn how depleting soil quality can impact our health and why prioritizing nutritious, diverse soil is essential for our immune systems.

– Combatting Emotional Eating and Detoxing from Modern Toxicity: Explore how emotional eating is manipulated by marketing and the food industry, and understand the importance of detoxing from urban toxins. Find out how focusing on real, whole foods and traditional food preparation can improve physical health and emotional well-being.

🚀 Don’t miss this empowering episode! Tune in to “Secrets of the Soil” and catch Matty Lansdown’s expert insights on transforming your food choices to heal both the soil and yourself.

🌾 Get your hands dirty, reconnect with nature, and dig deeper into the secrets of the soil. Listen now and join us on this journey towards better health and a happier planet!

Who is Matty Lansdown?

Matty Lansdown is a scientist, nutritionist and an Emotional Eating and Self Sabotage coach that specialises in weight loss and self confidence for women and busy mother’s. 

Starting out in the field of nutritional epigenetics and spending several years working in hospitals as part of a disease research team, Matty believes that most disease and illness is not due to bad luck but as a result of poor nutrition and lifestyle choices.

Matty’s extensive experience allowed him to uncover the deeper challenge people have with health which isn’t about calories or kale, but in fact mindset and behaviour change. 

Having been on his own personal development journey, Matty is now super-passionate about showing people how to level up their health so that healthy habits and the best food choices are easy and natural. 

Likewise, Matty’s weekly podcast “How to NOT Get Sick and Die”, provides his followers and clients with a deep dive into nutrition and how to develop healthy habits that last.

Exploring the Intersection of Soil Health and Consumer Choices with Matty Lansdown

In this episode of “Secrets of the Soil,” ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni sits down with Matty Lansdown, a nutritionist and emotional eating coach, to discuss how our food choices, soil health, and regenerative farming practices are interconnected. This eye-opening conversation reveals how consumers can drive change towards healthier lifestyles and a more sustainable environment.

Empowering Consumers: Taking Responsibility for Food Choices

One of the core themes discussed in the episode is the influential role that consumers play in shaping agricultural practices. Matty Lansdown emphasizes the need for individuals to take responsibility for their food choices and to create demand for regenerative farming practices.

“When we as consumers demand better-quality food, we put pressure on the system,” Lansdown asserts.

‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni echoes this sentiment, encouraging consumers to ask better-quality questions at restaurants and insist on produce that’s sustainably sourced.

The Ripple Effect: Collective Consumer Action

Interestingly, the conversation takes a historical turn with Lansdown drawing parallels to the consumer-led campaign to remove cocaine from Coca-Cola. This underscores the point that even small, educated groups can mobilize and bring about significant change. The episode leaves little doubt that collective consumer actions can fundamentally alter food markets and encourage a shift towards regenerative practices.

The Crucial Role of Soil in Nutrition

Matty Lansdown’s background in molecular biology lends credibility to his assertions about the importance of soil health. He discusses how deteriorating soil quality impacts the nutritional value of our food, a scenario that could eventually lead to a reliance on synthetic supplements.

“Healing the soil is paramount if we intend to reverse the decline in food nutrition,” says Lansdown, emphasizing that the journey must start at the very beginning—with mother nature and mother earth.

Lansdown suggests actionable steps such as engaging with farmers, growing your own plants, and joining communities that value sustainable practices.

Soil and Gut Health: A Symbiotic Relationship

The episode takes a fascinating dive into the links between soil biology, gut biology, and overall health. According to Lansdown, modern processed foods devastate gut microbiomes, which can lead to rising intolerances and digestive issues.

“The gut and soil microbiomes are interconnected,” Lansdown explains. “To bridge the gap in microbiome diversity, incorporating fermented foods into our diet is essential.”

By reintroducing bacterial species into our guts, we can foster a healthier internal environment, reducing the risk of chronic diseases and improving overall well-being.

Addressing Toxicity in Urban Environments

Matty Lansdown also touches on the alarming levels of toxins present in urban settings. From microplastics to chemical pollutants, city life exposes us to a hazardous environment. He argues that the constant exposure to these toxins, coupled with depleted nutrition in our food supply, significantly lowers our body’s capacity for detoxification.

“Our bodies are under constant attack; we need to focus on detoxifying through nutritious, whole foods,” Lansdown insists.

Campaigning for food literacy, Lansdown advises prioritizing farmer’s markets and investing time in meal preparation to counteract the effects of processed, convenience-centric diets.

The Emotional Aspect: Coping with Food and Social Media

Both Milidoni and Lansdown explore how modern society taps into our emotional needs through food and social media, often leading to unhealthy coping mechanisms. Lansdown elucidates the evolutionary craving for dopamine and how today’s world of instant gratification contributes to chronic depression and anxiety.

“We’ve lost the skill of delayed gratification,” he highlights, stressing the need for ‘dopamine fasting’ to regain control over one’s life.

Reconnecting with Nature and Each Other

The hosts emphasize the significance of community and real-life experiences over individualistic social media interactions. By reconnecting with nature—whether it’s through gardening, farmers’ markets, or even simple acts like barefoot walks—we can cultivate better mental and physical health.

“Diversity isn’t just about plants and bugs; it includes us humans too,” Milidoni points out.

The episode advocates for a return to traditional food education, more conscious consumption, and a collective shift towards regenerative practices. In the grander scheme, it’s a call to action—one that begins in our own backyards.

The takeaway? Healthier soils lead to healthier plants, which in turn lead to healthier humans. The power to drive this change lies in our hands, starting with the choices we make each day.

For more insights like these, tune into “Secrets of the Soil,” and don’t forget to check out Matty Lansdown’s podcast, “How to Not Get Sick and Die.” Join the movement for better health and happier living by starting with the soil beneath your feet.

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Soil community!


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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet​

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!