
The Journey to Self-Awareness and Regenerative Living

with Ray Milidoni

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #71

I’m thrilled to share that the latest episode of the Secrets of the Soil podcast is live! In this episode, titled “Know Thy Self Ray on Seeds of Toa,” my co-host, Joshua, and I dive deep into the importance of self-awareness and just-in-time learning. Here are the key takeaways from this thought-provoking discussion:

1️⃣ Self-awareness leads to personal growth: Understanding ourselves is the first step towards personal development. By examining our patterns, motivations, and values, we can make intentional choices that align with our true selves. Our guest, Regen Ray, shares their journey of self-discovery and how it transformed their life for the better.

2️⃣ Learning with purpose: Traditional education may promote learning for the sake of learning, but just-in-time learning is vital for understanding oneself. Rather than consuming knowledge indiscriminately, Regen Ray emphasizes the importance of learning what is needed at the moment. By focusing on practical knowledge that aligns with our goals and values, we can make tangible progress in our lives.

3️⃣ Building a supportive network: Surrounding ourselves with like-minded individuals who support our growth is crucial. Regen Ray shares their experience of finding a network of individuals interested in permaculture and regenerative living. By learning from others, collaborating, and seeking guidance from experts, we can accelerate our own personal and professional development.

Listen now to gain insights from Regen Ray’s inspiring journey and learn how you too can sharpen your soul and lead a more regenerative lifestyle. Don’t forget to subscribe to Secrets of the Soil and join us on this exciting exploration of the secrets hidden beneath our feet!

#Podcast #SelfAwareness #LearningWithPurpose #PersonalGrowth #SupportiveNetwork #RegenerativeLiving #SecretsOfTheSoil #StaySharp

In today’s episode, we highlight the importance of understanding oneself and the dangers of getting caught up in constant learning without applying that knowledge. They share personal stories of transformation and growth, recounting their own journey from pursuing self-serving goals to dedicating their life to making a positive impact on others and the planet. As we dive deeper into the conversation, we explore how self-awareness and finding one’s true path can lead to a regenerative lifestyle.

We share valuable insights gained from our experiences in permaculture living courses, meditation, and an activated human program. Throughout this episode, we’ll also touch upon the power of building a network, the importance of aligning one’s values with their environment, and the liberating act of giving oneself permission to modify their own life. Additionally, you’ll hear about their involvement with Farming Secrets, an organization that supports farmers in transitioning to regenerative agriculture, and the creation of the “Stay Sharp” brand, inspired by the concept of “sharpening the saw” from the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Join us as we explore the joys and challenges of self-discovery, the impact of education, and the value of learning from every stage of life’s journey. So grab your favourite beverage, sit back, and get ready to uncover the secrets to living a regenerative and soul-sharpening lifestyle. Let’s begin this empowering episode of “Secrets of the Soil.”

This podcast was originally published via – https://www.seedsoftao.com/ thanks to Joshua for a great interview and permission to stream onto my podcast. 


In the fertile grounds of personal growth, understanding oneself is akin to nurturing the soil that yields the harvest of our life’s ambitions and values. In the latest episode of *Secrets of the Soil*, our hosts, ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni and Joshua delve into the bedrock of self-awareness and its implications for living a purpose-driven and regenerative life.

The Seed of Self-Knowledge

The episode starts with a simple yet profound premise: the importance of self-awareness. Regen Ray shares a personal anecdote about assisting a friend in overcoming the habit of making unnecessary purchases, a habit Ray intimately understood. In exploring this, Ray uncovered the virtues of “just in time learning” – acquiring knowledge when it is needed, rather than stockpiling it aimlessly. This compares to the traditional educational paradigm that often encourages learning for learning’s sake, possibly losing touch with the immediacy of the knowledge’s application.

Cultivating a Legacy

What drives our host? A desire to leave a positive mark for future generations, transitioning from a self-centered existence to serving others and the planet. This epiphany came about through deep connections within permaculture networks, meditation, and the profound impact of participating in the Activated Humans program. These changes, nurtured during a period of isolation, allowed Ray to redirect time and energy inward, seeding the idea that perpetual learning, without application, creates a cycle of accumulation without fulfillment.

Reaping the Rewards of Purposeful Living

Ray’s approach to life has always been regenerative, now unsurprisingly mirrored in his commitment to Farming Secrets. This organization assists farmers in shifting from chemical to regenerative agriculture, mirroring Ray’s personal transformation. The key takeaway? Genuine growth and progress come from setting meaningful challenges, as exemplified by the 21-day challenge group where participants gain momentum towards achieving their aspirations.

From Tools to Self-Discovery

Drawing parallels between life and recipes, Ray encourages listeners to season their lives to their taste, rather than adhering to prescribed routines that may not resonate with every individual. Life isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach, and through “Stay Sharp,” the brand inspired by his love for learning, Ray has found a way to communicate the significance of tailoring one’s growth to individual needs and desires.

Weaving a Tapestry of Experience

Ray reflects on the mosaic of his career choices, from purchase of a farm to an encounter with an online education company, which serendipitously led to a deeper involvement with a farming training organization. These seemingly disparate experiences coalesce into a greater understanding of how varied paths can lead to a cohesive goal, aligning with foundational values.

The Essence of Authenticity

The discussion on authenticity strikes at the core of the episode. Ray emphasizes the importance of aligning with one’s true self, noting that environments that defy our values can stunt personal and professional success. He explores the parallel between adapting recipes to suit individual tastes and granting oneself the permission to alter the course of life.

Connecting the Dots

Ray’s epiphany about vision boards underscores an evolving journey into self-knowledge, where dogmatic adherence to self-help schemes gives way to a nuanced understanding of personal needs and aspirations. The conversation turns to the importance of asking “who” over “how,” highlighting the benefits of drawing on expertise rather than drowning in a sea of unfocused information.

From HOSPO Hustle to Holistic Harmony

Bringing his experience from the hospitality industry, Ray shares insights into mastering the “HOSPO hustle” and how that punishing pace helped him learn to prioritize efficiency, multitasking, and the value of systems. These foundations laid the groundwork for his early ventures into entrepreneurship, which continue to shape his approach to business and life.

For Regen Ray, aligning with regenerative practices not only benefits the earth but parallels the rejuvenation of the self, where understanding one’s motivations, passions, and learning style sprouts into a thriving and authentic life. Join us in this podcast’s episode, “Know Thy Self Ray on Seeds of Toa,” as we explore the intersection of self-knowledge and the cultivation of a life well-lived.

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