
The Living Laboratory: An Agricultural Revolution from the Ground Up

with Jono Forrest

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #68

🌱🎙️ Exciting news! Just finished recording an amazing episode of Secrets of the Soil with Jono Forrest, a passionate advocate for regenerative agriculture and soil health. Here are 3 key takeaways from our conversation:

1️⃣ Understanding landholders’ values and goals: Jono emphasizes the importance of working closely with landholders to truly understand their unique priorities. By aligning efforts with their values, it becomes easier to drive landscape rehydration projects, addressing issues like erosion and waterlogging.

2️⃣ Shifting the farming mindset: Jono discusses the historical perspective that has influenced some farmers to prioritize clearing land and draining water. However, the younger generation’s mindset is evolving, and they’re embracing soil health and innovative problem-solving approaches. Farmers are now treating their farms as living labs, experimenting with different methods and involving the community in the process.

3️⃣ Bridging the gap between theory and practice: Jono highlights the importance of learning from experienced individuals and using multiple case studies. The concept of “living labs” allows research to flow from farms, enabling farmers to treat their own land as a research lab. This hands-on approach, combined with community engagement, creates a sense of shared values and empowers farmers to drive positive change.

🌐 Visit the Soil Connect website mentioned by Jono for more information and potential collaborations with soil-caring businesses. Let’s raise awareness about the vital role of soil health and reconnect people with their food sources!

Stay tuned for the Secrets of the Soil episode featuring Jono Forrest, as we delve deeper into the fascinating world of regenerative agriculture and the importance of soil biology. It’s time to unlock the secrets hidden beneath our feet! 🌿🌍🎧

Who is Jono Forrest

General Manager of Mulloon Consulting, working with a team of Landscape Planners to restore landscape function, with a particular focus on landscape rehydration. I have a long-held interest in more holistic and ecological approaches to agriculture, … and that lead me to my current position with Mulloon. I’m also studying Grad Diploma in Regen Ag through SCU.

Unveiling the Secrets Beneath Our Feet

The Earth’s soil holds countless secrets waiting to be unearthed, particularly when it comes to the future of sustainable farming. In this captivating episode of ‘Secrets of the Soil,’ host Regen Ray Milidoni invites Jono Forrest, a trailblazer in regenerative agriculture, to delve into the transformative power of soil health. Forrest’s insights spring from a harmonious blend of business acumen and an open mindset – making him the perfect spokesperson to challenge traditional agricultural paradigms and inspire a burgeoning movement.

The Case for Business Savvy in Farming

Forrest insists that profitability in farming hinges not on the quantity of livestock but on strategic decision-making and a progressive mentality. His advocacy for holistic management training shines a light on the critical shift needed in farming practices, emphasizing that success comes from more than just working the land; it requires an in-depth understanding of your business.

Community and Connection

One of the episode’s overarching themes is the interconnectivity between individual farmers and the broader community. Forrest illustrates this with the example of a farmer’s water usage within a catchment area, where local actions can ripple out, impacting neighbors and the surrounding environment. He underscores the necessity for community involvement to achieve more impactful, far-reaching outcomes. This ties in with the living laboratory concept, where the Malone Rehydration initiative becomes a platform for inclusivity – inviting school kids and local people to engage in citizen science, to broaden the agricultural knowledge base.

Values, Goals, and Unique Landscapes

Forrest underscores the importance of understanding each farmer’s values and intentions. He argues the approach to landscape rehydration must be nuanced and adaptive, as opposed to the one-size-fits-all methodology of industrial farming. He suggests focusing on each location’s unique characteristics for a truly effective and ecological farming methodology.

Challenge of Historical Mindsets

The historical drive to clear land and maximize productivity, while previously successful in feeding the world, is now overshadowed by environmental concerns. The younger generation’s entrepreneurial spirit, as evidenced by innovative business ventures on social media platforms, is reshaping problem-solving strategies and bringing new approaches to the table. Forrest highlights how this younger mindset is contributing to an agricultural evolution towards understanding soil health and embracing technological aids like farm automation.

Digital Transformation in Agriculture

Soil Connect represents the next step in Forrest’s vision, connecting soil-conscious businesses and individuals in a digital community. This project aims to foster partnerships and share knowledge across the soil health sector, ultimately driving progress in regenerative farming practices.

Reconnecting and Re-educating

Forrest also touches on the disconnection of society from agriculture, exposing a critical need for increased awareness of where food comes from. Through his program, he aims to re-educate the public, combat mainstream misconceptions, and solidify the farming community’s image as caretakers of the environment. By using Malone as an educational center, he’s inviting new generations to witness sustainable practices first-hand.

Jono's Journey: From Farm to Future

Forrest reflects on his personal journey, which spans a lifetime of farming experience, culminating in his involvement with Malone’s mission. His transition from accountant to regenerative agriculture advocate is a testament to his commitment to revitalizing farming practices. He emphasizes that success in this field – and in life – hinges on a generalist approach that integrates multiple disciplines to grasp the larger context and find sustainable solutions.

Voices for the Soil

Finally, Regen Ray poses a pivotal question to Forrest: is he ready to become the voice of the soil? It’s a fitting end to an episode that traverses the breadth and depth of the agrarian revolution, from community involvement to the digital sphere. With champions like Jono Forrest leading the charge, the future of farming and soil stewardship looks fertile indeed.

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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet​

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!