
The Transformative Power of Gardens, Soil, and Connection

with Sue Bradley

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #19

I had the pleasure of being a guest on the latest episode of the ‘Secrets of the Soil’ podcast with Regen Ray Milidoni where I shared insights into the transformative power of building communities around gardens and soil. It was a truly inspiring conversation that highlighted the importance of coming together to nurture our land and each other.

Key Takeaways:

🌿 Building Community: The magic of community gardens goes beyond just growing food. It’s about connecting people, bridging generations, and fostering a sense of belonging and togetherness in our neighborhoods.

🌿 Soil Regeneration: It’s essential to treat our soil with care and respect, understanding that it’s a living entity that needs nourishment. By giving back to the land and practicing regenerative techniques, we can create a sustainable future for generations to come.

🌿 Conscious Consumption: Being a conscious consumer involves knowing where our products come from, supporting local and eco-friendly businesses, and minimizing waste. Small actions taken by individuals can have a significant impact on a global scale.

Who is Sue Bradley?

She likes to think of herself as a conscious consumer, eater, and parent who is in constant curiosity and wonder about how we can be better humans walking this earth. How we can work with nature and within our local communities.

She sees supporting and working in local community initiatives as one of the most single most important attributes to help build a healthy and connected community. She is a co-founder of SWAMP Central Coast a sustainable local community garden, where they provide the space for the community to come together to learn about soil health, composting, garden design, growing food from seed, and nature play.

They particularly love the partnerships they have formed with local organisations to build bridges connecting communities together around growing food and sharing knowledge. She’s grateful every day for the privilege of working in this space and seeing the impact of working on land has on human spirits.

In the latest episode of “Secrets of the Soil,” host Regen Ray delves into the enchanting world of community gardens and the profound impact they have on individuals and communities. Joined by guest Sue Bradley, a passionate advocate for community gardening and soil preservation, the conversation unfolds into a heartwarming tale of resilience, connection, and the transformative power of land stewardship. Let’s explore the key takeaways from this inspiring dialogue.

Healing the Land, Healing the Soul

Sue Bradley’s journey into the realm of community gardening was not just a pursuit of nurturing plants but a quest for healing and connection. Through her work with the Glen A rehab, focusing on indigenous rehab content and community projects, Sue discovered the profound healing properties of working with the land. The invitation to collaborate on a community garden project was not just an opportunity to grow food but to grow relationships and foster a sense of belonging within the community.

Bridging Generations, Bridging Communities

One of the most striking aspects of community gardens is their ability to bridge generational gaps and connect people from all walks of life. Sue Bradley emphasizes the importance of community gardens for older individuals, highlighting the value of intergenerational connections and the wisdom that can be shared between different age groups. Through the act of tending to the soil together, communities are brought closer, and a sense of unity is cultivated amidst diversity.

Regenerative Relationships with the Land

The concept of regeneration goes beyond just the soil; it encompasses the relationships we build with the land and the reciprocity of giving back. Sue and Regen Ray delve into the importance of honoring the land, treating it gently, and learning to nourish and care for it in a sustainable manner. By fostering a two-way communication with the earth, communities can not only thrive but also leave a positive impact for future generations to come.

Small Actions, Big Impact

The podcast delves into the idea that small actions can culminate in significant change, particularly in the realm of community gardening and soil preservation. Sue shares heartwarming anecdotes of sharing worms with children, touching upon the transformative power of connecting with nature at a young age. By taking small steps like opening up land for farming or repurposing items for composting, individuals can contribute to the greater good of their communities and the planet.

Nurturing Nature Play and Community Bonds

The discussion expands to Sue Bradley and Mandy A Santos’s involvement in a nature play program at SWAMP, where children are educated about nutrition, nature, and soil. What started as a one-day program quickly expanded to meet the growing demand from families seeking to connect with nature and foster a sense of community. Through activities like arts, crafts, and seasonal projects, children and parents alike are bonding over a shared love for the earth and all its bounties.

Seeking Mentorship and Collective Wisdom

Sue Bradley’s journey into community gardening underscores the importance of seeking mentorship and guidance from those with experience in land use and community projects. She encourages individuals to connect with local environment groups, seek advice, and share ideas openly. By fostering a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, communities can thrive and create a sustainable future for all.

“The Life Changing Power of Building Communities Around Gardens & Soil at S.W.A.M.P with Sue Bradley” invites listeners to not just witness but participate in the transformative journey of community gardening. Through the lens of Sue Bradley’s inspiring story, we glean insights into the profound impact of connecting with the land, fostering community bonds, and cultivating a sense of stewardship for the earth. As we navigate the challenges of our times, let us heed Sue’s call to action and embark on our own journey of healing, connection, and collective empowerment through the simple act of tending to the soil and nurturing our communities.

Thanks for being part of our
Soil community!


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7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet​

Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!