
The Unseen Power of Hair in Soil Conditioning

with Jacki Yong

By Ray Milidoni

Episode #50

Excited to share the latest episode of Secrets of the Soil, where we venture into the fascinating world of sustainable soil solutions with our incredible guest, Jacki Yong. 🚜✨

In Episode 50: The Journey – Finding the Secret Ingredient: Hair as a Product, Jacki Yong reveals her groundbreaking work in the use of hair as a soil additive. This innovative approach holds the potential to revolutionize soil care practices and drive a circular economy.

Here are the three key takeaways you don’t want to miss:

🔸 Unlocking Nature’s Secrets:

– Discover how hair’s high keratin and amino acid content can boost soil’s nutrient levels, rivaling traditional manure.

– Learn about the long-lasting benefits of using hair for increasing micropopulation in the soil and creating ideal ecosystems for plant growth.

🔸 Circular Economy in Action:

– Gain insights into Jacki’s process of collaborating with salons to collect approximately 400 tons of hair annually, preventing it from becoming landfill waste.

– Understand how hair can be brewed and used as a foliar spray, a snail repellent, and even in making liquid fertilizers.

🔸 Future of Sustainable Agriculture:

– Hear about the challenges and triumphs in educating the community on the benefits of using hair in soil regeneration.

– Learn how Jacki’s product is set to take the global stage, as she aims to voice the importance of soil care and sustainable practices internationally.

💡 Dive deeper into how hair, an unexpected ingredient, is transforming the way we think about soil health and sustainability. Tune in now! 🌾🎧

Who is Jacki Yong?

Former hairdresser became the Founder of Victorias largest privately owned Organic Processing/Composting facility. Combining the two passions she brings a new product to the market that is a change maker- She utilises hair collect from salons and turns it into a bags of beneficial microbes called Soilz Alive – Hair Infused Regenerative Soil Conditoiner.

Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Hair in Regenerative Agriculture with Jacki Yong

In the latest episode of *Secrets of the Soil*, host ‘Regen Ray’ Milidoni sits down with Jacki Yong, an innovative entrepreneur who’s revolutionizing soil health through an unconventional approach: using hair as a key ingredient. What may seem like waste to some is a treasure trove of nutrients for our soils. This episode sheds light on the myriad ways hair can enhance soil quality and contribute to a more sustainable ecosystem.

From Waste to Resource: The Journey of Hair

Jacki Yong’s venture started with a deep fascination for soil and composting. She quickly realized the immense potential hair holds in soil regeneration due to its high protein and keratin content. Hair, traditionally seen as waste, ended up in landfills. Jacki flipped this narrative by collecting roughly 400 tons of hair from salons, aiming to utilize it as a rich resource for the soil.

Propagating a Circular Economy

The discussions between Jacki and ‘Regen Ray’ emphasize the importance of a circular economy, where waste materials such as hair are reincorporated back into production cycles. The high nitrogen content in hair makes it a valuable addition to soil, fostering microbial activity and improving soil health. The decomposition process of hair not only releases essential nutrients but also acts as a pest deterrent, showcasing multi-faceted benefits.

The Science Behind Hair's Soil Benefits

Hair’s composition, rich in nitrogen, keratin, and amino acids, makes it an excellent candidate for soil conditioning. Scientific data backs up these claims, with microbe readings showing positive increases in soil health where hair has been incorporated. The nitrogen content in hair surpasses that of traditional manure, providing a potent nutrient boost for plants and creating a thriving ecosystem for microorganisms.

Fungal Symbiosis and Soil Conditioning

Another intriguing aspect discussed in the podcast is the role of fungi in creating a microbial ecosystem around hair. The fungi attach to the protein chains in hair, proliferating a network of microbes that enhances soil quality. This symbiotic relationship not only aids in nutrient absorption but also fosters a more resilient soil structure, protecting against erosion and improving water retention.

Practical Applications and Products

Jacki Yong’s product, derived from hair, has a variety of applications that can cater to both small and large-scale farming. It can be brewed into a foliar spray or used as a soil inoculant and conditioner. Her own process, shared during the conversation, reveals that the product is not only effective but also boasts longevity in the soil. Besides fueling microbial growth, it serves as a snail and pest repellent, and even deters larger pests like foxes.

Educational Outreach and Future Prospects

Creating Awareness and Acceptance

Despite the evident benefits, Jacki Yong faced challenges in terms of educational and societal acceptance of using hair as a soil additive. The episode underscores the importance of changing the terminology around fertilizers and raising awareness about natural, regenerative solutions. Through continuous education, Jacki aims to shift perceptions and highlight the innovative potential of her approach.

Creating Awareness and Acceptance

Expanding Horizons

Looking ahead, Jacki Yong is set to expand her reach. With an impressive product already available online, she’s eyeing international markets to become a global voice for soil health. The alignment with sponsors like soilconnect.com.au underscores the importance of digital platforms in promoting soil-caring enterprises.

The Bigger Picture: Symbiosis and Sustainability

Connecting Hair Care and Soil Nurturing

One fascinating analogy drawn during the podcast is between hair care and soil nurturing. Just as we care for our hair, soils require similar attention. This nurturing approach aligns with regenerative practices that view soils as living entities needing continuous care and enrichment. Hair, with its high carbon content, even holds the potential to be transformed into diamonds, revealing the untapped versatility of this resource.

Fostering Environmental Stewardship

Ultimately, Jacki Yong’s story is one of vision and perseverance. Her journey over the past 15 years illuminates the importance of innovative thinking in addressing environmental challenges. By repurposing hair, she not only prevents waste but also contributes to the creation of vibrant, nutrient-rich soils. This episode of *Secrets of the Soil* is a testament to the potential that lies in viewing waste differently, fostering a symbiotic relationship with our environment.

Jacki Yong’s venture exemplifies the power of sustainable practices and the boundless possibilities that arise when we dare to reimagine waste as a resource. Tune in to discover how hair can transform soil health and lead us toward a regenerative future

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Are you interested in improving your soil health while also making a positive impact on the environment? Look no further than “7 Ways To Supercharge Your Soil & Save The Planet.” This guide offers practical tips and advice on how to enhance the quality of your soil and help combat climate change.

Don’t wait any longer to make a difference – get your hands on this guide and start supercharging your soil today!